Get Ready for THE LIQUID TRUTH Smack Talk NBA Legends and Infotainment Galore

04 Feb 2024

Are you prepared for a podcast experience like no other? Join the dynamic duo of Zoe Nu Girl, the Queen of Infotainment, and her partner in crime, Dj Franchise, as they unleash THE LIQUID TRUTH! Brace yourself for hilarious banter, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes NBA insights that will blow your mind.

In a recent episode, they even managed to snag NBA superstar Kendrick Perkins from ESPN as a special guest. Trust us, the smack talk was epic!

To tune in, simply log in to SWTV Plus, the home of all things liquid and truthful. But wait, there's more! By contributing a small $2 donation, you'll not only support the network and the channel, but you'll also gain access to exclusive content and perks. It's a win-win!

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